
Bobby at Home

Bobby's first week at home has been happily uneventful. His doctor asked us to move him from a one feeding every four hours schedule to a more chubby-friendly 2-3 hours. For his part, Bobby has adapted easily and even helps out by reminding us if we go a little too long between feedings.

He's also started on Lasix, a diuretic that will help with any fluid build up in his lungs. So far his lungs are clear, but he's running out of breath while eating and the drug should help with that. We just started it and don't know know how its going to work for Bobby yet.

Valerie and I are both tired, especially Valerie who is the primary owner of the night shift now that I'm back at work. Bobby is well rested and already showing off. Last week during 'tummy time' he pushed himself from his stomach to his back. This is nearly unheard of at this age, and we're appropriately proud.

To make sure it wasn't a fluke, we've tried putting him on his tummy two other times, and he is now very good at the roll over. Our pediatrician doesn't believe us. We'll be getting out the video recorder soon.

Valerie and I went to Canada to get married a couple of years ago. When we told her 92 year old father that we were going there because 'we didn't have the right to get married here', he rejected our rationale. "What do you mean you don't have the right? You make your own rights."

Valerie and I adopted that as our pep talk to one another when we're feeling put upon. "You make your own rights".

When Bobby rolled tummy to back Valerie got so excited that she kissed him and said "You make your own Down Syndrome".

I think that's our new mantra.

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