
Oops, Bobby's Hospitalized Again

Well, we're back. We brought Bubsy to Children's Memorial this morning after the second straight night of no sleep. He's had abdominal pain for a while, first centerd around feeding times, that's gradually gotten worse. Last night, we couldn't get him any relief.

The doctors think it might be a side effect of one of his medications. Hopefully, it will be that easy. Otherwise, he'll have to be sedated for an endoscopy on Monday. They don't think anything really scary is wrong. They think he might be allergic to milk. Poor little guy.

Its not been a banner week for the Grunsteds. It started off well enough - Tuesday we had our adoption court hearing and Bobby was served with the papers announcing my intent to adopt him (see photo on home page). The hearing itself was easy - the judge asked about his feeding tube, asked what we did for a living, asked where we live and how long we've been together. He then told us about how the nun who runs a local group home for developmentally disabled folks is the aunt of one of the judges he works with.

To my surprise, the week's toughest interrogation took place on Wednesday when the nurse and head teacher at Bobby's new day care came to our house. The nurse was very rude and basically told us that Bobby shouldn't be in day care. This even though we have letters from each of Bobby's doctors saying they had no medical reason to advise against him being placed in the program. The worst part was that the nurse didn't listen to anything we had to say about Bobby's medical condition and apparenty scared the heck out of his prospective teacher. So we don't know what's going to happen. It's very scary because we had stopped looking for other options when Bobby was accepted and we told his current nanny her last day was October 1st. My biggest issue is not that they might decide Bobby's not safe to be in the program - if they can't provide for his care, then we don't want him there, obviously. But the decision isn't being made based on facts. Its being dictated by a nurse who has never examined Bobby or even spent 30 seconds thinking about him as Bobby instead of a baby with Ds. And instead of these questions coming up during the original enrolment, they accepted him even though they had access to all the medical information they are now using against him. We have a meeting next week to see what's going to happen.

So that's that. Valerie and I are worn out from worry over all of Bobby's issues. We have folks trying to help with day care ideas, but nothing seems to pan out. We had to go to the er to get some progress made with his GI issues. It's getting very difficult to keep the longer term in perspecive as we struggle to make progress in the now. Thank God Bobby is so cuddly.

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