
The (Latest) Big Day

In less than an hour, Bobby was placed under general anesthesia, and had his tonsils and adenoids removed. Dr Billings, Bobby's ENT, just came out to give us the update - Bobby came through with flying colors. However, he did have a nasty left ear infection, which she drained, and now has a new ear tube in place to help with drainage. He'll be sent home with antibiotics (always a good idea for the Bubs) and Tylenol with Codeine. If all goes well, he'll be home some time tomorrow morning.

Right now, we're waiting on the opthamology procedure with Dr Hawke Yoon. I remember when we first met Dr Yoon - he skipped into the examination room. Also, it's nearly impossible to refer to him only as Dr Yoon - he is such a fun guy with such a great name - he will always be Doctor Hawke Yoon to me.

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