
First Tooth

We came home from the hospital on Friday. Bobby is now on Elecare, a special prescription formula where much of the proteins are already broken down. It passes much easier and helps his gastric flow issues. Feeds are a little rough, but nothing close to what we had last week. He's keeping his food down and is a much happier boy.

What a frustrating week it's been! We can't figure out why Bobby keeps having these issues. We have a second opinion coming up a week from tomorrow, at U of C's Children's Hospital. Hopefully a fresh set of eyes will shed light on the subject.

We won't put him under the care of GI at Children's Memorial again if we can help it. Their behavior was so bad that our cardiologist and nurses were repeatedly apologizing. Patient Relations got involved as well. We don't expect much to improve as result of that interaction - the patient relations representative openly told us that he wouldn't pursue the matter if we had already decided to move on to another hospital. At least we know that the GI department's bad reputation has been fairly earned.

It's lovely having Bubs home. He cut his first tooth on Friday. Just a reminder from him, I think, that he's going to keep doing his thing while he waits for us to get our act together and get his heart and GI tract fixed.


Anonymous said...

Can you get Dick Durbin involved? :) Glad he's home. Jamie

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I have finally had a chance to read all of this blog. I just want you to know your all in my thoughts. Aunt Anne, I love you and I hope that I get to meet my little cousin soon! Stay strong..


Christi Harrison said...

congraulations bobby on your first tooth! super exciting. i hope your tummy gets beter. jimmy cant wait to play with you. he just turned into a rolling fool, from belly to back. we were at childrens on friday for an ear tubes and abr pre-op. we thought of you and wondered if you were there. that place is a zoo and reminded me to get jimmy's second flu shot. good luck on your second opinion.
i love your blog:)
we miss you!
christi & jimmy