
Hospital Time

We've been in the hospital two days now. We had a rough time Monday night - Bobby could not tolerate even small feeds. He's been on an IV since yesterday, which helped rejuvenate his hydration levels and gave his tummy a much needed rest.

The GI doctors think that this is just a virus. Unfortunately, I'm never quite sure if a GI diagnosis of a 'virus' means "he really has a virus" or means "we don't know what it is, so let's hope it goes away with no treatment and we can bill your insurance company same as if we'd actually done something" or "we don't think you'll accept another acid reflux diagnosis so lets try a virus. It's harder to disprove".

We've started feeds again today. He's done well with Pedialyte this morning. We'll work him up to full feeds over night. If there are no issues, he goes home tomorrow. If there are issues, we'll be back to GI to refine the diagnosis. Once he's better, we'll reschedule surgery, likely in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy :( Thanks for the updates. I hope he starts feeling better soon. I am sure it is challenging for you guys to have to deal with the anticipation of his upcoming surgery, but just try and take things day to day. Love always, Em (and Joe and Livy)