
Morphine Haze (7:53pm)

Bobby did great today. His extubation went well so we are now on a regular floor, not in the PICU. He had a rough time transitioning from the recovery room to his permanent bed. His stomach is sore so he wretched which made his stomach more sore. He turned a really bright red. It was a little scary. But, one dose of morphine set him right. He's now sound asleep and the goal is to keep him comfortable through the night.

Tomorrow will be a day of rest while the g-tube heals. Hopefully his pain will be better in the a.m. At the least his doctor seems to be of the mind to dope him up, which is good provided we don't end up on methadone like last time.


Christi Harrison said...

great news. i hope you get some rest too.

Anonymous said...

Bobby seems to know how to jump through all the medical hurdles. Best wishes to all of you. Know that we are thinking and praying for you.
