
Quiet Friday (Hopefully)

Bobby had a rough time last night. He was on morphine from about 6:30 on, but his doses came every 3 hours and the effect only lasted 2. Although, genius mom that I am, at 2 this morning I finally decided to hold him, cords and leads be darned, and that calmed him immediately. I should know better than to let all the attachments scare me off of holding him.

So now he's sleeping comfortably. We're going to try to keep him on Tylenol instead of morphine today. I'm hoping today will be about sleeping and cuddling. We're just waiting for his tube to heal a bit - we will start feeding him tomorrow.

We've been very lucky staff wise during this stay. Pretty much everyone we've come in contact with has been very nice and very good at what they do. Being on 5W is like a reunion for us - staff keep stopping by to say hello.

We have a very nice roommate. He's a little guy, maybe a year or so older than Bobby. He either doesn't have parents or he doesn't have parents who can be here so the nurses take care of him. He spends his awake time at the nurse's station being doted on. Right now, he's gone to his play group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well this certainly has notes of happiness. I'll be thinking of both babies today.