
Surgery Day (11:38am)

Valerie and I are sitting in the surgery waiting room, again. This whole process is way too familiar.

Today Bobby's getting a g-tube, a nissen fundoplication, a sedated hearing test (ABR) and an eye exam. The whole thing will take the better part of the afternoon.

We expect an update in about an hour once the anasthesia is done and the surgery starts.

Bobby had fun playing this morning - he spent a long time playing in his jumperoo - he's figured out how to pivot so he can go in the whole circle. It appears to be immensely enjoyable. Then, he had a nice nap in Mama Valerie's arms while we waited for the pre-op procedures.

I feel so bad that he keeps having to go through this. I'm at least glad we're getting 4 procedures done at the same time today.

More later...

1 comment:

The Mirabellis said...

Our well wishes are with you as you wait. We are thinking of you!!! Thank you for keeping us posted.