
Bobby's Better Night

"He's doing remarkably well for only having one good lung." These are the words that greeted me during ICU rounds this morning. I'd say they are words you never want to hear, but I'd rather hear that than be told that Bobby wasn't doing well.

Bubs had a much better night. They started giving him regular doses of morphine and he slept much more restfully. After a day of low oxygen readings, he is now responding very well to his oxygen help. He looks much better. He's breathing much easier.

But that lung is still collapsed. We're keeping the same regimen today and if it's no better tomorrow, he's going to get a bronchoscopy where they'll attempt to suction out the congestion that settles around the collapsed portion of the lung.

In better news, his chest tube comes out later this morning. The tube is inserted into a slit in his chest, just above his ribs, for the purpose of draining excess liquid from the chest. The nurses say older, verbal kids agree that its much more painful than the actual surgical incisions because every movement shifts the tube around inside the chest. Last night Bubsy caught his foot in the part of the tube that hangs out, causing him terrible pain. So we'll all be glad to say goodbye to that.

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