
July 22nd is Our New Surgery Date

We found out yesterday that Bobby will have his surgery on July 22nd. The doctors don't have any new concerns - our cardiologist just wasn't happy with the original July 31st date so she pushed for something earlier.

It's a little scary, for sure. July 31st seemed like forever and a day from now. July 22nd is 3 weeks from today.

In less scary news, Bubs has broken the 5 kilo mark, which was the weight our doctor was shooting for. That's 11 pounds, 3 oz for us non metric-ized folks. He also slept from 9 pm until 5:30 am this morning. That's just a little something for us.

Three weeks to go isn't very long, so I'd ask on his behalf that you send extra prayers and good energy his way. Today he is struggling with a 90 breath per minute pace. Four weeks from today, that should be cut in half.

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