
The Tired Mamas Love Their Wiggle Worm

We had a good day today. Bobby had an echocardiogram that came back with good news - his heart functioning is as it should be, given his physiology. He also had an ultrasound which showed that he is only retaining trace fluid in his chest. His right lung, no longer collapsed, is still not working great, but these tests show us that the cause of his problem is probably not serious. He just needs time to heal.

His energy level is much higher than it was before surgery. He is wiggle worming himself into all kinds of precarious positions. This morning I found him with one leg beginning to poke from the bars of the hospital bed. He pulled out his feeding tube in the night (I let the nurse fight that battle). He is mesmerized by the musical mobile the hospital lent us.

Bobby is feeling much much better. Myself, I'm exhausted. Valerie and/or I have been her almost non-stop since last Tuesday morning. The hospital noise and Bobby's crying interspersed with doctor's visits and medical procedures is a lot to manage. I'm going back to work tomorrow. Valerie went back last week. Our nanny will sit with Bubs during the day. V and I will take turns at night. I think this is all part of Bobby's master plan - to gain energy for himself and drain V and I of our strength. By the weekend, Little Lord Wiggle Worm will have gained control of the checking account and the remote control.

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