
Input and Output

Valerie's early morning report began by telling me that Bobby was up all night trying to poo. He didn't sleep well, which means that she slept even worse. But at least it beats him being up all night struggling to maintain his oxygen.

We're hopefully headed towards an end of week coming home party. Bobby's 4 months old on Sunday and we'd like to celebrate the big .3333 in his own nursery. He needs to go down some more on his oxygen help (he's almost weaned now) and he needs to show he can tolerate his old feeding regimen (we're getting there).

The lingering issue is that he still has fluid on his lungs. He came to the hospital on 1 diuretic and he's going home on 3. We think the difference is that before we were trying to live with the congestive failure. Now we're trying to get rid of the fluid completely. The hospital carefully weighs each and every diaper Bubs has in an effort to see if his output (water leaving his body) is appropriate for his input (food). We're not there yet. But, happily, this won't keep us at the hospital.

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