
Bobby Update

Just a quick update before I start work. Life in Bubbyville is...stable. Its hard to say how much he's improved over the last couple of days, but he has definitely stopped getting worse. He's in a pattern where his oxygen saturations are mostly in the 70s and fall into the 60s during a predictable time (runs a fever, is sound asleep, or, as the nurse reported last night, right before there is a big explosion in the bed)

The most troubling issue is that he spikes high temps (102+) occasionally for no apparent reason. They've cultured his blood many times, but with no luck. Now he's on antibiotics, so its unlikely any culture will grow anyway.

He's getting another bronchoscopy on Monday to see if the issue might be that he's got an infection from being intubated so many times. They don't much expect to find anything, but its time to turn those unturned stones.

We are certainly starting to feel better. Bobby is a happy boy between his fevers and is ready to play. He's also recovered enough from his chest incision that he is enjoying being held again. Its a little slice of heaven to have him snuggle close. He is pure sugar.

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