
Holy Crap, Part Due

Bobby desatted more over night, hanging out in the 60s for much of the time. He woke up with a fever above 101. We waited out the morning before the doctors decided it was safe to proceed with the catheterization. After some more oxygen saturations in the 60s they decided to go ahead.

And they found...absolutely nothing wrong. Which is good in most respects. The construction of the Glenn shunt is solid. He does not have pulmonary hypertension. He does not have collateral veins.

But that also means we have a boy who sometimes turns blue for a reason no one understands. The doctors are hopeful he will get better with no surgical intervention. But we don't know what that means - are we in the hospital days more, weeks more? Do we get sent home on oxygen? Is he going to turn blue until he has his second operation in 2 years? If the day care providers don't like a baby with a feeding tube, how will they like a baby that also occasionally turns blue?

Wow. Time to slow down, yes? So what's this weekend? He has a breathing tube in again so he needs to get extubated - hopefully tomorrow. And then we wait and see what happens. Maybe Bobby is just taking a long time to heal and he'll bounce back. No one knows. Not the cardiologists, not the surgeons.

But as an added bonus, his cardiologist just came into the room and announced that Bobby doesn't have a pulse in his right foot - left over problems from the catheter they put in his groin. So they are going to spread nitroglycerin paste on his leg to help the blood vessels dilate and to encourage the blood to flow on through.

And Valerie and I are starting to figure out what to do if this stay goes on for an extended period. I've been on FMLA the last 2 weeks but am going back to work Monday. Valerie planned to take vacation time off but maybe she won't. Maybe it's nanny Beth doing the day shift and Valerie and I trying to split nights. Like the doctors, we just don't know.


Christi Harrison said...

thanks for the update. i hope he improves with no surgical intervention. poor bobby. he is such a trooper. i forwarded the link of the blog to my family for extra prayers.bobby's story is so remarkable. i don't know how he does it or you. god bless all of you.

Sheri said...

Sending hugs!!!