
Life at the Hospital

Today is the first day since Bubsy went into the hospital that Valerie and I both worked. We have to - we can't afford to keep taking FMLA time. Nanny Beth manned the hospital. Words can't describe how fortunate we are to have someone like her that we trust to be there when we can't.

Valerie is off to the hospital now. I'm taking the night off as I was up most of last night with Bobby. He desatted into the 50s again. He threw up gastric juices (because the nj tube goes into his intestines, he has no formula to throw up). The doctor put him on antibiotics and upped his oxygen help. They tried to insert an IV for his antibiotics. As usual, they failed but only after riling up the baby. Today Bobby slept because, like mama, he was up most of last night.

One interesting thing - the respiratory therapist changed his high flow machine to something that the therapist claims 'works much better' than the one he had. Why have we been struggling to keep his sats up for days only now to find that there's is one that 'works much better'? Arghh. At leat we put an end to Bobby getting stuck for IVs and such - we've declared that there is no more sticking without the help of an ultrasound. Sweet Bubs looks like a pin cushion.

I'm hoping we'll fall into a new hospital routine. The doctors are saying Bobby will be there at least through next week. Personally, I think it could be 2-3 weeks after that before his lungs heal. So we have to figure out how to give him the attention he needs and still keep our jobs and, honestly, sleep enough. Not surprisingly, Valerie and I are both getting sick. There's just never enough time in the day.

Its interesting. Before we knew about Bobby's Ds/heart issues, I used to worry about how Bobby would be impacted by having 2 mamas. I joke that the first day I found out Bobby had Ds was the last day I worried about being a gay parent. Now, I'm just grateful that I'm going through this with a partner whom I trust to stand in with me and to support me when I need some propping up. I can't imagine doing this with anyone else.

1 comment:

Christi Harrison said...

Anne, you are so sweet! You and Valerie are so lucky to have each other. I wish I could help out more. I am leaving town early Sunday and I am hosting a baby shower on Saturday. I could come by tomorrow evening and be some extra eyes/arms while one of you gets a cat nap.
let me know.